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-"The content is incredible. So many different rituals, tools and spiritual insights. I keep coming back to them
because they are major!! The content also calls you out on your bullshit." - Estelle P

Hey, I'm Amber-Lee, your Spiritual BFF

I used to roll out of bed after hitting snooze 7 times, throw on some wrinkled H+M clothes and take transit with a bunch of stinky people, only to land at a job that had me staring at the clock all day and eating my lunch at 10am because I was bored. 

Did I mention that said job was only paying me enough to cover my bills and get into credit card debt?

I did NOT feel glamorous, I did not feel grounded. 

The gurus would be posting quotes on Instagram to “fake it till you make it” but it was hard to fake the life I wanted while sitting in my 400 square foot apartment with paper thin walls, trying to decide if I should have Mr.Noodles or a bottle of cheap wine or dinner.  

Once I found chakra balancing, everything changed, and now I'm making millions, living my best life, traveling first class, and it's my business to make other women feel amazing. 

It’s not enough to change your THOUGHTS, you have to change your ENERGY


When one Chakra is blocked the rest of them are out of whack too 

The word "Chakra" means "spinning wheel" so even the Chakras that you think are vibin’ high, are actually not shining their brightest unless they are all rollin' together. 

IDK about you, but I want to shine as bright as a GD can, and I am not going to settle for anything less than a perfectly glam + grounded life! #SelfMastery

So what happens when you don't balance all of your Chakras?

+ Money issues and fears about the future
+ Guilt, shame and low self worth 
+ Low confidence, low motivation, low energy
+ Inability to give and receive love in a balanced way 
+ Social anxiety and always worrying what people think of you
+ Unclear thoughts, disconnected from sound decision making
+ Inability to manifest


See how hundreds of women are using my Chakra trainings to get that glam & grounded life, manifest Gucci shoes, pay raises and vacays!



Not sure which chakra course to choose?

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